Enforce FenixPyre outside of protected folders
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Enforce FenixPyre outside of protected folders

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Article summary

This article will explain the "Enforce encryption of protected folders" feature.

Enforce FenixPyre outside of protected folders:

When the “Enforce FenixPyre outside of protected folders” option is selected, anything created by your collection's Protect-by-process(AxP) processes will automatically be encrypted even if it’s in a non-protected folder. You can save/save-as a file to any folder (except ignored folders), and the final file will be encrypted. 

To accessencrypted content, users can only open anencrypted file(s) from a protected folder(s). If the user saves a file to a non-protected folder, they must move it to a protected folder to access it. (more information)

When the “Enforce FenixPyre outside of protected folders” option is not selected.

When this option is not selected, users will be able to create files outside protected folders, and these will not beencrypted automatically. You should exercise extreme caution when unselecting this option. It may allow circumventing access controls. 

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