How to add Office applications as Protect by Process applications
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How to add Office applications as Protect by Process applications

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Article summary

FenixPyre version 5.3.1+ now supports adding Office applications and Adobe Acrobat reader as Protect by Process (AxP) applications. To do this, you must first disable all Office Applications and/or Adobe Acrobat reader in the FenixPyre Certified Applications list in the admin dashboard.

Disabling an FenixPyre Certified Application

  1. Go to the FenixPyre admin dashboard. In the left menu, click Settings > User Roles.
  2. Next, under Actions, click the three vertical dots icon on your desired user role. Then click Edit.
  3. Click Protect by Folder > Applications in the left secondary menu.
  4. You will then see a list of FenixPyre Certified Applications. Click the gear icon of the application you want to disable, then click Disable and confirm.
  5. Repeat this process for all Office applications and Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Now that you have disabled the FenixPyre Certified Application(s), you can add it as an PxP application.

Adding an Office application or Adobe Acrobat reader as an PxP application

Please follow the instructions here.

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