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How to Anchor/unAnchor files
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Anchoring folders with the Desktop Agent:
Step 1: Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder that needs to be anchored.
Step 2: Right-click the folder and select Anchor>Anchor My Data. When Anchoring a folder 2 options will display, "Add protection" and "Add protection and Anchor My Files".
Add Protection will Anchor the folder only and will leave its contents unAnchored for now. However, due to our auto-Anchoring service these files will be automatically Anchored approximately 30 minutes after adding protection to the folder.
Add protection and Anchor My Files will Anchor the folder ****and its contents immediately.
These same principles apply to unAnchoring folders.
Anchoring files with the Desktop Agent:
Step 1: Open File Explorer and navigate to the desired file.
Step 2: Right-click the file and select Anchor>Anchor My Data>Anchor My Files. The file will now be anchored.
These same principles apply to unAnchoring files.