Allow process to open encrypted file in non protected folders
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Allow process to open encrypted file in non protected folders

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Article summary

By default, FenixPyre only allows you to open encrypted files inside protected folders. Protected folders are configured in the FenixPyre admin dashboard. You can also configure protected folders on an individual computer locally. If an encrypted file is in a non-protected folder, you cannot open it. This default behavior applies to files encrypted by Protect-by-Process (AxP) applications. You can, however, override this behavior and allow users to open any file using the appropriate PxP process from any folder. Doing so allows users to use FenixPyre seamlessly.

How to allow a process to open encrypted files in non protected folders

Add the process as an PxP application by following the instructions here. Make sure you check the checkbox labeled Allow process to open files in non protected folders,

Once you have completed the above steps, FenixPyre will allow the processes in the collections you edit to open encrypted files in non protected folders.

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