Command line installation v5.3+
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Command line installation v5.3+

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Article summary

To install Anchor using the command line interface, do the following steps:

  1. Download and unzip the installer zip file
    • Go to the admin dashboard and click installers.
    • Click the download icon corresponding to your desired version of Anchor (note that this guide is for Anchor 5.3+).
    • Unzip the downloaded zip file to get the AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe executable.
  2. Open a Command Prompt or Powershell window as an administrator.
  3. Run the installer using your org-id and desired options (more information below).

AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe --org-id <org-id> [options]

Critical points to remember

  • Ensure you have completed all the items in Minimum System Requirements.
  • You must supply a valid organization id org-id.
  • Should installation be non-responsive, verify the org-id parameter is correct and not empty.
  • Ensure that you run the command at least once in non-silent mode to allow you to discover any errors. Once you are satisfied that the command works, add the silent parameter for an unattended installation. You may also use a Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tool.
  • All parameters are case-sensitive. You must enter them as described below. For example, -SILENT will not work and will generate an error.


-org-id <org-id>

  • The org-id and domain name are case-sensitive.


  • The installer will not display a user prompt or a progress bar during installation.
  • The system will automatically reboot without prompting the user unless you also specify the -reboot-prompt option.

-setup-logs <folder-path>

  • Logs created by the installer will be saved to the folder at <folder-path>.
  • If the specified folder does not exist, the installer will create it.
  • The installer will name the logs using the following format: DAtAnchorSetup_<date and time>.log.
  • If you do not specify where the installer should create the log files, it will create them in the default folder, which is C:\Users\Public\DAtAnchorSetupLogs\DAtAnchorSetup_<date and time>.log.


  • You should only use this parameter if your environment uses Distributed File Systems (DFS) namespaces on Windows servers.
  • When you provide this parameter, Anchor and UnAnchor operations on Network Share folders will be disabled on Windows 10 and 11.


  • You may only use this parameter if you are also using the -silent parameter to perform a silent installation.
  • When you supply this parameter, the installer will prompt the user before rebooting the computer.


  • Use this parameter to install Microsoft Office plugins only.


  • This parameter tells the installer not to prompt the user to reboot the computer. The user will reboot at their convenience and proceed with Anchor sign-in.


  • This option displays a help window. When you use this parameter, the installer will ignore all other parameters.


  • This parameter tells the installer to proceed with the installation even if the host operating system is not Windows 10 or Windows 11. It allows installation on unsupported (pre-Windows 10) Windows systems, e.g., Windows 8.
  • This flag is required when installing the desktop agent on Windows Server 2016 and above.



  • This flag sets the Windows Registry element REGNAME_IGNORE_EXT_DISABLED. It tells the Anchor agent to exclude hex, DLL, and other configuration files from encryption.
  • This option is available in Anchor agent version 4.0.0+.


  • This option tells the installer to turn off the update Header feature of Anchor.
  • Please use this parameter if you are using OneDrive/SharePoint.


  • Use this parameter if you want to enable Git support.

Installation Examples

You can use the following commands to install Anchor with different configuration options.

Perform a regular install of Anchor with a reboot prompt:

Note: The installer will save logs in: C:\Users\Public\DAtAnchorSetupLogs

AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe --install --org-id <org-id>

Perform a silent install of Anchor (without a reboot prompt):

Note: The installer will save logs in: C:\Users\Public\DAtAnchorSetupLogs

AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe --install --org-id <org-id> --silent

Perform a silent install of Anchor and store setup logs in a custom folder:

Note: The installer will save logs in: C:\Users\Public\my\custom\folder
Note: remember to use the escape character \

AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe --install --org-id <org-id> --silent --setup-logs "C:\\Users\\Public\\my\\custom\\folder"

Perform a silent install of Anchor and disable Anchor/unAnchor operations on network share folders:

Note: The installer will save logs in: C:\Users\Public\DAtAnchorSetupLogs

AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe --install --org-id <org-id> --silent --disable-NWShares

Perform a regular install of Anchor on Windows Server 2016 and above:

Note: You must enable the Wireless Lan service before installation. Click Here to learn more.

AnchorSetup_v5.3.2.exe --install --org-id <org-id> --skip-os-check

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