Configure Network shared folder as Protected folder on Admin Dashboard.
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Configure Network shared folder as Protected folder on Admin Dashboard.

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Article summary

Protected folders are locations within the organization where protected content can be consumed. A file will not display plain text when outside of a designated protected folder. Examples include endpoint common user folders, on-premises network drives, and cloud-based document-sharing services.

Users can add a Network folder as a Protected folder under specific user roles. Anchor will automatically assign that folder as a Protected folder for all the users that are added to the user role.

Step 1: Install Windows Server agent on Windows server (Click here for instructions).

Step 2: Right-click on the folder you want to protect on the server and select Anchor>Anchor My Data.

Step 3:  Copy UNC/DFS path of the folder. Open the Anchor Admin Dashboard and Navigate to the User Roles tab.

Step 4: Find the user role under which you want to add a folder as a Protected folder. Hover over the three dots under 'Actions' and click on 'Edit'.

Step 5: Click on the Protected folder tab.

Step 6: Click on Add protected folders.

Step 7:  Enter the UNC/DFS path of the folder. Click on the Add.

Step 8: Click "Update" to ensure changes are saved.

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