DLP (Data Loss Prevention) for MS Office
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DLP (Data Loss Prevention) for MS Office

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Article summary

This article will explain how Anchor prevents data leak in Microsoft Office and how to enable/disable these features in the Admin Dashboard.

When configured, Anchor will actively protect content when accessed by common business applications. We disable certain features of applications that allow you to move data, such as sharing, exporting, transforming, and printing. This plug-in ensures that data can only move in a secure way, where it is monitored and controlled.

Anchor's application blocking features are limited to the following applications: 



Microsoft Word

Word processor developed by Microsoft

Microsoft PowerPoint

Presentation program developed by Microsoft

Microsoft Excel

 Spreadsheet application     developed by Microsoft

Microsoft Visio

Diagram and graphics application developed by Microsoft.

  Adobe Reader

 PDF reader provided by Adobe

Blocking for sharing, exporting, transforming, and printing

Step 1: Open a protected file in either Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Reader, or Phantom PDF.

Step 2: Click on the 'File' tab in the top left. 

Step 3: Notice that the Print, Share, and Export features are greyed out and disabled. This ensures that you are unable to share protected data, so that it stays secure.

Known limitation in Agent version 6.0.0: "Sharing cannot be restricted using Office add-ins"

The Microsoft Word 'Share' tab cannot be disabled in Agent version 6.0.0.

How to Enable/Disable Data Loss Features?

Companies can choose to turn off these features for specific user roles, which means that applications will not block data loss for protected files. By enabling these features, applications will block data loss for protected files. 

  1. Open the Anchor dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the User Roles tab.
  3. Find which user role you want to edit. Hover over the three dots under 'Actions' and click on 'Edit'.
  4. Navigate to MS Office Add-In Settings and Enable/Disable the Data loss feature.
  5. Click on Update to save the changes.

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