GUI Installation - FenixPyre
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GUI Installation - FenixPyre

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Article summary

This article explains how to manually install the FenixPyre desktop agent v6.3.0+.

Installing FenixPyre 6.3.0+ on Windows 10, 11, and Windows Server 2016 or later


  1. Ensure you have met all the Minimum System Requirements.
  2. Download the FenixPyre installer zip file:
    • Go to the admin dashboard and click Installers.
    • Click the download icon for your desired version of FenixPyre (this guide is specific to FenixPyre v6.3.0+).
  3. Unzip the downloaded file to extract the FPInstaller.exe executable.
  4. Double-click FPInstaller.exe to launch the installer.
    • Enter your organization ID in lowercase.
  5. The installation process will begin, and the progress will be shown on the screen.
  6. Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to reboot. Click the Reboot button to finalize the installation. Rebooting is mandatory for FenixPyre to function properly.
  7. Finally, sign in to the FenixPyre agent.

Video Tutorial:

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