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Article summary

Why a New FenixPyre App on Box?

We are excited to introduce our new FenixPyre app, built on our enhanced API layer, offering improved performance, security, and collaboration capabilities.

Enhanced Performance and Security

Our optimized APIs deliver more robust security and seamless performance, ensuring your data is protected while providing a smoother user experience.

Advanced File Collaboration

The new FenixPyre app supports collaboration across all office file formats. Whether you're working with internal teams or external partners, you can collaborate on the same file in real-time, with the assurance that your data remains encrypted and secure. Once collaboration is complete, all changes are automatically saved back to Egnyte.

Support for Larger Files

We’ve expanded our capabilities! The new FenixPyre app now supports operations on files up to 1GB. Whether you're handling large video files or extensive datasets, you can be confident that your data is securely managed with FenixPyre.

Granular Security Controls

Take advantage of precise user role and permission management through our FenixPyre dashboard, giving you complete control over who can access and modify your files.

The new FenixPyre app on Box is designed to offer enhanced functionality, security, and ease of use, making it the ideal tool for secure collaboration and file management.

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