OneDrive/SharePoint settings in the Admin Dashboard
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OneDrive/SharePoint settings in the Admin Dashboard

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Article summary

This article will discuss how to configure SharePoint settings in the Admin Dashboard. This is a continuation of a previous article and may be helpful to reference back to it. Click Here

File Collabration feature needs to be disabled for Anchor to work properly. Anchor disables this feature at the time of agent installation but if it is not disabled, please follow steps from here to disable it.

The following information found below can be input in the Admin Dashboard by selecting Integrations>SharePoint>settings.

  1.  Application (client) ID: This can be found on the app’s overview page
  2. Client Secret Value: The one you saved in step 9.d in the previous article
  3. Directory (tenant) ID: This can be found on the app’s overview page

Step 1:  Login to the Admin Dashboard and enter your SharePoint domain in the first blank field. For example, Do Not enter the  SharePoint admin center URL. Bullet points a,b,c listed above may now be input into the 3 remaining fields in that respective order.


Step 2: Open a browser incognito/private window

  1. Login to your SharePoint account
  2. Open a SharePoint site
  3. Click on Documents

d.  Select a file and then click on the action button. You should now see Anchor options available in the right-click menu

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for Microsoft to reflect the changes on your SharePoint environment. Some things to attempt include:

  1. Logout and log back in to SharePoint
  2. Try to access SharePoint via private or incognito mode

If you don’t see the Anchor option on SharePoint even after a few hours, then please reach out to the Anchor team for assistance.

Please note, folders must be added as protected folders under the user role in order to use Anchor actions in OneDrive/SharePoint.

How to add folders as protected folders in a user role Click Here

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