Restart OneDrive
  • 31 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Restart OneDrive

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Article Summary

If the OneDrive file collaboration setting is toggled from the Anchor admin dashboard, a restart of OneDrive will be required for the change to take effect. The user will receive a notice through a toast message indicating the need to restart OneDrive, shown below:


When the user clicks the 'Restart OneDrive' button on the toast notification message, Anchor will restart OneDrive, or, in case OneDrive is not running, will start OneDrive.

After a restart, OneDrive will automatically display the OneDrive root folder. This is a side-effect of OneDrive starting up, and is outside of Anchor control.

What happens if the toast notification is allowed to expire, or is deliberately closed by the user

In case the toast notification is allowed to expire, or the notification is deliberately closed by the user, Anchor will remember that OneDrive needs to be restarted. The next time the user tries to open an Office file (whether protect or not protected) from a OneDrive or SharePoint folder, Anchor will first check if OneDrive has since been restarted (regardless of the current collaboration setting in the dashboard). If OneDrive has not been restarted, the file-open action will display a notification, and it will be necessary to restart OneDrive to open such a file.

Please read this article to learn more about OneDrive file collaboration using Anchor.

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