"User not authorized" error in OneDrive/SharePoint
  • 09 Sep 2022
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"User not authorized" error in OneDrive/SharePoint

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Article Summary

This article will discuss steps to take if you receive "User not authorized" error in the OneDrive web client. 

This error is a result of the following possibilities:

  1. The user is not assigned to the proper user role
  2. The right-click permissions are not enabled for the user role.

For more information on addressing these issues, click the links below or continue reading.

Enabling right-click permissions in Admin Dashboard

Adding a user to a user-role

Adding a user to a user-role

Step 1: Log into the Anchor Admin Dashboard. Click on "User Roles".

Step 2: Select the user role by clicking on the "+" symbol shown on the left in blue.

Step 3: Select "Add user"

Step 4: Enter the email address of the user you are adding and select "Add"

You will be prompted to review changes, if these changes are correct select "Ok". The user is now successfully added to the user role

Enabling right-click permissions in Admin Dashboard

Step 1: Log into the Anchor Admin Dashboard. Select "User Roles".

Step 2: Select the "action" symbol on the right denoted by 3 vertical dots and "Edit".

Step 3: Scroll down to "Right click settings" and click "Expand". You will now have the ability to turn these permissions on/off by clicking on the switch in blue.

Once finished please select "Update" in the top right of the window.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.